Thursday, November 20, 2014


The Office of Institutional Planning is currently working on the CU Denver Campus 2014 Facilities Master Plan.  What is a master plan, you ask?  Well, a master plan details and analyzes all existing campus elements (bicycle networks, green space, student life, housing, sustainability, space needs, etc.), compiles ideas from students, staff and faculty (visioning fun!), and then suggests the best methods of growth over the next 10 years.  Thus far, the master planning process included an in-depth inventory of the university and a space utilization and needs analysis. The process has now arrived at a key phase - VISIONING.  This is the chance to provide ideas for improvement, to form a concept of what we want CU Denver to be in 10 years, to influence types of development, determine our identity on the larger Auraria Campus, and to build a build a sense of community with all campus institutions!  This is the fun part.

Folks from the Office of Institutional Planning have held two "meet and greet" sessions to gather student ideas - one was held in the North Classroom Atrium on November 5th, and the other was in the beautiful new Student Commons Building, near to the Lynx Center on November 19th.  There will also be a larger OPEN FORUM on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 from 3:30-5pm in Student Commons, room 2600.  Please join us!

Check out the campus map below for a little background information.  You'll notice that the CU Denver Neighborhood runs along Speer Boulevard.  This is wonderful for institutional visibility! However, Speer also creates quite a barrier between the main campus and downtown CU Denver Buildings (Business School, CU Denver Building and Lawrence Street Center).  Just something to consider...

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